Happy All Saints' Day, Anons. This was a lot of fun yesterday, so I'm here to do it some more again. I've got loads of boxes of shiny 31/0/31/31/31/31 Perish Song Gastlies, male and female, all of them ready to find new homes.>How do I get one? Tell me whether you want it male or female, throw up a Luvdisk onto the GTS and put "/vp/ ghost" in the comment.>How many can I get? I want each anon to get a single one, but switching cartridges will make it impossible for me to tell if you're a different person. Please don't do that.>How long will you be doing this? I'll be doing this for most of the day and possibly tomorrow as well.>Didn't you have Gengars yesterday? Also, what about nicknames? The event Gengars I have can't be traded through the GTS and nicknaming the Gastlies makes things more difficult for me.>I want a Gengar or a nicknamed Gastly. Well, I'd be willing to do trade you one in exchange for one of the starters or legendaries that I'm missing.
>>21545299 What starters do you need?
I don't have much, but yeah.
I want a ghastly named Scumbag.
>>21545299 Male please, Luvdisc up, IGN is Jack.
>>21545299 Would love a female one for breeding purposes. Luvdisc up! IGN Brian
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545332 I need pretty much everything that isn't gen 1, 6, or 3
IGN: Diogo
>>21545299 I'd like female op
disc is up
ING: DIogo
Thanks a lot!
>>21545346 Give me 5 minutes and I'll get you a Snivy, ign Snarf.
Thanks broman.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545337 >>21545343 Sent
>>21545346 Actually I need something from the Mudkip line as well
Quoted By:
Male, putting disc up now
Quoted By:
>>21545346 >>21545363 Could I get it male as well please?
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
>>21545346 I've got a Piplup if you'd like.
>tfw traded event Gengar for a Darkrai Jack
>>21545367 Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.
Alejandro [0146-9250-2249]
Quoted By:
Ill take a male Ghastly please. Thanks for the giveaway!
>>21545367 >>21545382 Uh, it's not shiny...
Has everything else except shininess.
Quoted By:
>>21545367 I'll get you a mudkip as well m80
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545380 I'd make that trade.
>I've traded these gengars for damn near everything >>21545361 sent
>>21545380 sure
Quoted By:
disc is up for a female.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
I;m trading mostly off of another 3ds wher I can't nickname, so give me a sec to grab my Gastlies from the bank. Also, give your FCs so we can trade
IGN: Diogo
Quoted By:
>>21545411 thank you so much!! Now my halloween team is complete!!
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
Quoted By:
>>21545411 Great! Adding you right now.
Quoted By:
>>21545299 IGN: Ramona
Disc is up! Female one please. Thank you so much!
>>21545299 male please, Luvdisc is up, IGN Kyoma Hooin, thank you!
IGN: Omar | 2878-9795-8673
Do you have any starters or legendaries that you still need? I'm interested in a nicknamed Gastly.
Thanks op! You're awesome! Luvdisc is up, IGN: Sidere, female please
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545494 As far as legendaries go, I needkeldeo, Cresselia, Regigigas, genesect and Moeletta.
Starters: Most of them
>>21545346 Your kip and snake are ready
ign Snarf 2294 4418 8893
adding you now
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545538 You wanted one named Scumbag, right?
Male or female?
>>21545406 Apologies for the shitty phone picture but here's proof. Would you mind me putting up another Luvdisc for a Male shiny Gastly since I didn't get one? Thanks.
>>21545550 Yes, male please.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Edd 173611187231
Mate you missed me I think :(
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
>>21545346 I have a cyndaquil if you want, I think it's competitive, too. I would love a Gengar!
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
>>21545550 Piplup's ready whenever you are!
>>21545299 Requesting male gastly, IGN is Losoya
Quoted By:
>>21545566 I put up another one anyway if you wouldn't mind sending it.
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Disc is up for a female, thanks!
>>21545601 Also, I didnt specify a level, did I have to?
Akira 0877-0089-4238
>>21545299 >>21545510 OP,do you want a Shiny Cresselia for the Gengar? the Gengar has Gengarite too?. thanks!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545562 I'll get you in a sec
>>21545567 sent
>>21545619 nope
>>21545600 things are getting hectic; I'll get you soon
>>21545627 yes and yes
Oh god, this is getting out of hand
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
>>21545586 I also have a Chikorita and Totodile
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545646 I'd love all 3; want three gengars for them?
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
>>21545644 Take all the time that you need. I realize giveaways like this are not easy to manage, sorry if I seemed pushy. :(
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
>>21545683 Uhh sure! I mean if you have anything else I'd take it but three gengars are also cool!
Quoted By:
>>21545299 what starters are you missing, OP? I'd like a nicknamed one
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Put up a Luvdisc for a female Gastly, thanks!
Akira 0877-0089-4238
>>21545644 Thanks, some starters you need?
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
>>21545711 >>21545683 my friend's list is full so I'll put the starters on the GTS asking for a Gengar :)
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545792 I can't put them on the GTS
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
>>21545801 Oh ok I'll make room gimme a sec
>>21545490 >>21545299 I got non-shiny too, I'll resend Luvdisc fr a female one, maybe it'll be shiny
Ign: Lucifer
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Luvdisc with heart scale is up!
Can you name male gastly "Pain"?
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Thanks, Snarf
>>21545813 I'll try to get yours soon
>>21545810 >>21545763 Adding you soon
>>21545685 adding you now
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
Quoted By:
>>21545810 sorry this is taking long, i just bred some competitive ones for you so im hatching the eggs
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
>>21545833 They're hatched! Adding you now
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545685 Also, did you want a gengar or what?
I want a male one please! IGN Keith
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
Quoted By:
>>21545900 I'm online and ready to go
Quoted By:
>>21545813 >>21545833 Got it, it's shiny. Thank you Romasanta
>>21545601 >>21545619 >>21545644 Thanks, OP, it wasn't shiny but no worries, I just wanted a PS ghastly.
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
>>21545900 A Gengar if possible. Thanks so much! Hopping on right now!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21545920 I didn't think I had any non-shinies mixed in.
Hmmm...... Anyone who gets a non-shiny hit me up so I can fix that
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21545887 Thanks for the trades
>>21545933 hitting you up right now
0361-6887-7086 IGN: Ben
Quoted By:
>>21545953 np! thanks for the gengars
>>21545508 Shoot, just realized asked for gengar instead if gastly, fixed now, don't skip me please!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21545903 Got mine! Thanks a lot OP!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
I just realized my Gengars are missing their Gengarites after I movedfrom box to bank. Shit.
>>21546003 I think I just sent you one
Akira 0877-0089-4238
>>21546005 Thanks bro, but it had no the Gengarite, anyway.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546053 Sorry; do you want one that does have it?
Akira 0877-0089-4238
Quoted By:
>>21546060 Yep, I can trade the Gengar you gave to me.
ign: angelo
Disc is up. Female, please. IGN is Anthony. Thanks
Akira 0877-0089-4238
>>21546060 Thanks a lot, you are doing a fine work!
>>21546038 I got it but it wasn't shiny, I put up another luvdisc, no rush, please and thank you
IGN: Sidere
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
>>21546005 No thank you! I'm definitely gonna hang on to this guy. ;)
Btw, I breed you a Chimchar later if you're interested. Don't have any egg moves currently, but you can have one if you're interested.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546113 This is getting ridiculous. Sent.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546116 I actually already have a chimchar. But what do you mean "no thank you?" What did I fuck up?
>>21546105 No,thank *you*
Quoted By:
I didn't manage to get me and my gf one of those shiny event gengars. IV and natures don't matter, neither if it carries a gengarite, we'd just like to get one too. If some kind anon is willing to share i will see what i have for trade
Quoted By:
>>21546122 Yay! Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Luvdisc up. Female please and thanks! IGN Judd
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Ah shit. My first box of Gastlies is 100% non-shiny. That is a ejects box. Shit. Anyone who got one of those throw up another disk and I'll send you a proper one.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21546182 This is a worse fuckup than yesterday's...
Ymir 2380-4662-2222
Quoted By:
>>21546138 It was supposed to be "No, thank you" like you just demonstrated. This is why you don't type when you're in a hurry. Thanks for everything, good luck with the rest of your giveaway! :)
ign: angelo
>>21546122 not to complain but I got a non shiny too.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546242 Throw up another disk and I'll send you shiny one
>>21546245 No need to apologize.
It's not like we are entitled to complain for freebies.
ign: angelo
Quoted By:
I like a female. IGN is Anthony, Thanks.
ign: angelo
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21546278 sent
>>21546272 Might not be entitled, but I'm kinda screwing with your expectations, which is not cool
>>21546245 Will you send ne a Ghastly?
I have a disc up.
Thanks in advance!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546335 Oh sorry i kept the wrong name in!
Thank you so much :)
>>21546335 I put a disc up too, would be very grateful for one too
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546335 Thank you so much! You're awesome!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
I'm heading out to do shit for a while; be back in like 20-30 minutes.
>>21546432 No problem.
Quoted By:
>>21546405 Thaaaaaank you!!!!
Quoted By:
>>21546098 >Anonymous Im an idiot and haven’t seen a ghastly yet. need to breed and will be back.
Opting for a male; IGN is U.E.
Anthony 2552-1020-7821
>>21546098 Fixed the problem. Appreciate this! Looking for female.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Anthony 2552-1020-7821
Quoted By:
>>21546786 Got it. Thanks a lot. You are awesome.
Katzchen 2337-5571-2346
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Female, please! IGN: Juan
>>21545566 >>21545557 I just checked GTS after couple of hours and i got Gastly...and it's not shiny too - here is a proof with Romasanta OT...
But thanks anyways. It's pentaperfect 6iv timid one with perish song and everything...
Ign: Lucifer
>>21546916 damn i forgot the picture...
>Anyone who got one of those throw up another disk and I'll send you a proper one. Oh good...i will try to catch another disc then!
Quoted By:
>>21546786 Received. Thanks a bunch :D
>>21545299 Female gengar,no name pls
Thanks so much OP
Using the name Fabian
IGN: Kaze
>>21545299 male please, disc up
IGN Zander idc bout gender disc up
>>21546786 Discing up for male now
FC: 1950-8112-3526 IGN: Zim Chaos
Disc up :D either gender would be cool :3
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21546945 >>21546916 >>21547054 >>21547061 >>21547071 >>21547118 Ok, I had to step out again, but I've either sent yours or am in the process of sending it
>>21547012 >>21547360 Not sure if you skipped me.
No rush or obligation
Quoted By:
>>21547360 thanks i just got it
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547437 Sort of. Re-read the greentext on the opening post and get back to me.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
Every Gastly request was fulfilled, or sniped before I could get to it. As for those who've asked me for a Gengar, check the opening post to see what's going on with those.
Katzchen 2337-5571-2346
Quoted By:
>>21547466 Received, thank you!
>>21545299 Can I still get one?
Disc up for female ghastly.
>>21547466 Oh oh sorry,you only got Gastlies
K nvm then
Thanks anyway,this is a nice thing you're doing
Rory 0189-9255-2070
>>21545299 Can I please have a gastlie OP?
Disk is up, Thankyou!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547538 I think I just sent you one.
>>21547544 No, I have Gengars; I just can't send them through the GTS. I have to trade those directly.
>>21547557 Ah yes, I've received the ghastly.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice All Saints' Day.
FC: 1950-8112-3526 IGN: Zim Chaos
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Fabian 2234-8559-5895
>>21547557 Oh sorry,I'm a little out of it today,was up all night
I've added you if it's not too much trouble
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547643 Any chance you have a Keldeo, Cresselia, Regigigas, Genesect, or Moeletta? Or failing that, something from the Turtwig or Oshawott line?
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547722 Uh, nix on the Cresselia; I actually got one earlier
Fabian 2234-8559-5895
>>21547741 Actaully yes,I do .
It's lvl 15 and naive though and I don't know the IVs
Fabian 2234-8559-5895
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547815 I need it for my living dex, so it could be running around with 0s across the board for all I care. Anyway, I'll trade you a gengar for that.
Fabian 2234-8559-5895
>>21547847 Sounds good.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547882 sending a trade request
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Fabian 2234-8559-5895
>>21547931 Ay um I don't mean to nipick but isn't it supposed to come in a duskball?
IGN: Sly
Quoted By:
Aww man, I tried this last night. All I want is a male Gastly named Bob.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21547990 It is, yes. When I fixed thee Gengar's IVs and nature by way of my Powersaves, I also changed the balls.
By the time I noticed my mistake, it was a bit too late because I had boxes and boxes of them.
Fabian 2234-8559-5895
>>21548027 Ah alright,no prob.
It's not like I plan on going to national lol
Thanks a ton ,bruh
Any gender is fine by me ING: Diva Thanks a lot OP!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
I'm off to lunch; be back soon-ish
>>21548088 Sent
Quoted By:
>>21548277 Thanks a ton anon this is awesome!
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Luvdisc is up, don't care about the gender IGN: Serena
Russ Loudred, Teddiursa, Chansey 1118 0226 2664
Russ Loudred, Teddiursa, Chansey 1118 0226 2664 Sat 01 Nov 2014 21:40:01 No. 21548431 Report Quoted By:
>>21545299 luvdisk up. male please
IGN: Sly
Quoted By:
>>21548277 Thank you for doing this, but can I add you and trade back the female you gave me over GTS for a male named Bob?
You said you needed someone from the Turtwig line and I've got a perfect 6 IV one I could trade you?
IGN: Sly
>>21548277 >>21548277 Thank you for doing this, but can I add you and trade back the female you gave me over GTS for a male named Bob?
Also, is Celebi one you need? I've got an event one in my box.
Alwayz 4613-7433-4088
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Male plz, luvdisc up
IGN: Alwayz
Ign: james
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21548840 I'm actually good on Celebies, but I'd do it for a Turtwig, sure. It doesn't need good IVs, though; I just need it for my dex.
>>21548969 I might have sent the wrong gender
>>21548969 sent
I just deposited a female Luvdisc lvl. 15 Thanks! IGN: Victor
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21548840 So what's your friend code?
>>21549078 I don't see any Luvdisks with your name on them
IGN: Sly
>>21549018 Added you then! Do you want the other shiny Gastly back?
Logging in now with that Turtwig.
FC is:0189-9311-2732
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21549250 Keep the other gastly; It's fine
IGN: Carlos
>>21545299 Disc up, hope it's not too late.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21549222 Shit, I got snipped
I deposited a lvl 15 male Luvdisc
iGN: Victor
>>21549222 IGN: Sly
>>21549269 THANK YOU. My friend likes his new Pokemon~
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21549381 Brothr, I still don't see it
>>21549389 Hehe, yes... I love it.
>>21549432 Gts hate me.
Gonna re up it
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21549440 still nothing. Want to put something else up?
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Disc up for female Gastly pls
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21549440 There we go. Sent.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
Gonna fuck off for a while. I'll probably check the GTS periodically. If not, I'll take care of requests when I return.
Quoted By:
ign: spotty Female please. :)
Quoted By:
male please :) disc is up IGN: Daniel
Female please Luvdisc is up IGN: Nicole
Quoted By:
male please Luv UP IGN: Leon
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
I accidentally sent a non-shiny to someone. I'm not really checking this thread, so ask for the appropriate gender on the GTS. If I send something wrong, just throw another up and tell me here; I'll get back to you before long.
Quoted By:
IGN: Spotty Female Please I re-uploaded. I think I got sniped (received french, non shiny).
IGN: Nate Male please Luvdisc up
>>21545299 Yo, upping for the male Ghastly. IGN is Guy Fergison
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21551123 >>21551287 I just sent two; might be yours
Quoted By:
>>21551363 Spotty here.
Thanks OP!
Put mine up, i don't really care what Gender IGN:Jack
Quoted By:
>>21551363 Aw yes. Thanks bro!
>>21551363 disc up for male ghastly
>>21545299 Disc up. IGN is Keith. I'd like a male please.
>>21551363 reupped disc with the right message for a male ghastly.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21551467 >>21551502 >>21551510 >>21551615 Just sent out anther batch, And I'm pretty certain they are yours
Quoted By:
Disc up. IGN Yahir. Male plox
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21551363 Got it thanks mayne
>>21552210 disc up for male
thanks in advance
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Sam 0705 - 4562 - 6453
Luvdisc with heart scale up, male pls <3333 thanks so much
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21552801 I just sent it to you; sorry that took so long.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
I'm gonna call it a night, Anons. I hope you had a good All Saints' Day; I know I had fun sending these things off. Anyway, I might be back tomorrow for All Souls Day Edition, but we'll see.
>>21553309 Sorry I'm late - I got a disc up for male if you get around to sending out more tomorrow. (IGN Sele)
Thanks for sending out all those you have so far!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
>>21553415 You caught me just after I went to get a snack and before I closed my browser; I'll send you your Gastly in a sec
>>21553477 Thanks man! You made my friend's dream come true. (note, I haven't previously asked for a ghastly in this thread - he just got Y and I'm going to trade it to him)
He's shouting about it being Christmas.
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
Quoted By:
>>21553609 Well I'm very glad I made your friend happy.This is more or less why 'm doing this.
Sam 0705 - 4562 - 6453
Quoted By:
>>21553245 Thanks so much!
Quoted By:
Threads like these keep reminding me how fucking nice this community can be. Thanks a lot to all give-awayers, you guys are awesome
>>21545299 discing up
ign: Nile
male or female i dont care
>>21545299 Male, please. IGN Andy
one for me please, male if you have any more. ign: Justin
Luvdisc up. Whatever gender is easier. IGN Dan. Thanks!
IGN: Maarten Male Gastly if possible Thanks a bunch, anon!
Breeder [Erin]
Disc up, male please if you don't mind IGN is Erin
IGN: Shaian
>>21545299 Female, pls. Luvdisc up!
Jerec 0361-6272-6844
>>21545299 heartfish up. thanks you're doing G-d's work.
Maarten 1461-6280-0892
Can you trade me one? I've got all non-event legendaries and most starters.
Pharika 0061-1303-0039
Quoted By:
'disc is up! Either male or female is nice. Thank you, really!
Romasanta 3754 - 7456 - 6280
I have work to do today; I'm sending off a few Gastlies and then I'm gone.
bob 3797-8525-5672
IGN: Robbie
Quoted By:
>>21559291 Putting up a disc for shiny male Gastly, no nickname. Thank you.
bob 3797-8525-5672
Quoted By:
>>21559291 I got sniped :(
Jerec 0361-6272-6844
Quoted By:
>>21559452 I got sniped, Ignore "bob" above me. we're using the same computer
I have an extra Shiny Gengar code if anybody wants it. I live in Australia, if that effects it somehow.
Quoted By:
>>21545299 >>21565410 Forgot to put ign
Ign boomer buddy
>>21565418 Just sent it. Enjoy!
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Can I get a male? Not picky though
Ign: Hamish. Disk is up
>>21565548 Thanks, but the image file you sent was broken.
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Male please
IGN: Marcus
luv disk up
thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Male Gastly please. Putting up a luvdisk now.
Quoted By:
>>21545299 luvdisc up
Not picky on gender, whichever you like
IGN: Bryce
Quoted By:
That feel when you missed out
Quoted By:
got any gastly left ?
Quoted By:
>>21545299 Disc up for a male gastly please! Ign Borja. Thanks!!
Quoted By:
>>21545299 If there is a chance you come back some time, I just disced up for a male Gastlie
IGN: Bubbles
Quoted By:
>>21545299 I would like a female please