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/vp/ makes a Fakedex

!9juTSUnta. No.22986093 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /vp/. As I said last night, I was going to ask you guys for some Fakemon designs. You can trip or go tripless when submitting designs. Here's the rules:

1. No offensive content (genitalia, etc and racism) and no ebin maymays
This should be self-explanatory. This is not Clover.
2. Designs must have an actual concept behind them.
For example, simply 'a dog on fire' would not be accepted. A good example of a possible accepted mon would be 'a Ground-type Sphinx based on Egypt + Pyramids'.
3. Designs must be your own
4. Designs can be made with whatever program you choose, but must be of a decent quality.
I won't judge based on art, but I'd like it if the designs weren't scribbles.

>inb4 kill yourself

Right then, let's go!