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August Update Info

No.27373602 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Part 1

I'm posting some info that will be revealed in the August update. I will answer questions as best I can, but I don't have much more info.

>Riding is allowed after you get an item known as "Riding Gear", that basically encapsulates Air, Land and Sea Travel in much the same way X/Y allowed you to ride on Pokémon, except this time they're your own Pokémon
>The gear is based off of Mega Flygon, which will be revealed in the trailer as well. Bug/Dragon, ability is Sand Stream. The red "goggles" over it's eyes become a kind of cosmonaut bubble helmet, and the two antennae become really long and stick out of the helmet. Wings get bigger and it gets red blocky armor-like protrusions.
>Ridable Land Pokemon shown in the trailer are also shown a bit more. Arcanine, Tauros (again), Scolipede, Donphan (awesome shot of you using it like a bike, with you sitting on the seat like object and Donphan spinning like a wheel underneath you and kicking up massive dust), Drampa, Herdier (again), and Entei. Tauros' charge is shown breaking large boulders, no HM prompt needed.
>Ridable sea Pokémon shown are Sharpedo and Lapras (again), Starmie (You sit on a float like object and Starmie spins like a motor), Gyarados, and Bruxish's evolution Teeyemjaw (Water/Psychic). Same ability, but it has a worried look and a giant jaw with menacing teeth clasped tightly shut. You are shown to be able to scale waterfalls at will, without it asking for an HM.
>Air Travel is almost the exact same as soaring. Shown Pokemon are Flygon (in spirit of its mega reveal), Skarmory, Pakkapeppa (Pikepeks third stage, same type and ability), and Tropius. Lots of freewheeling and flips.