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In celebration of the 20th anniversary...

No.27719096 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you guys still have your first Pokemon file? Let's talk about our experiences.

I don't have my first actual file. It was on Colosseum, which I kept on restarting because I'd get stuck looking for the gear. My first actual game was Pokemon Diamond circa 2008 (I'm 20 fyi). That's not my technically original file either. I remember restarting once or twice before I got to my first gym leader. I refuse to delete the file. Pokemon Platinum I can restart, but not my Diamond. I have over 400 hours put into it. I remember feeling so proud when I finished my Sinnoh dex, bar impossible catches like Arceus... I also remember feeling really embarrassed the first time I tried to catch a Pokemon. I thought you had to faint them to catch them, like in the anime.