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No.27964188 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So why do you like palossand again?

>It's creative!
No it's not, it's literally JUST a sand castle

>It's unique!
No it isn't, there's already plenty of inanimate object pokemon (with better execution), and nature gets a lot more unique than a fucking sand castle.

>I like ghosts!
And this is the worst and stupidest ghost type. At least a chandelier and a coffin would be possessed as haunted mansions and tombs are infamous for being haunted and related with ghosts. A beach doesn't make sense to be a fucking breeding ground of ghosts

>but it'll probably look good in motion!
No it doesn't, it looks literally retarded, can't move, and has a stupid spinning shovel on its head.

Nobody can give a reason why this is a good pokemon, all they will do is reply with "BUT I LIKE IT!" I'm sure once they saw the backlash, their natural contrarian nature endeared palossand to them. These are the same people that act like bland boring forgettable pokemon like chimecho, castform, and delibird are their favorite pokemon.