Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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No.28096758 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New mechanic: "Hidden type" (HT)

Give an extra STAB to the pokémon when he uses a move of the same type of its hidden type

However, Hidden types don't give an extra weakness or multiply the current weaknesses


Gyarados has "dragon characteristics", so it has dragon as hidden type, therefore its dragon moves get extra damage

Other suggestions to the First Gen:

Venusaur - ground
Charizard - dragon
Blastoise - steel
Butterfree - psychic
Beedril - flying
Pidgeot - steel
Raticate - poison
Fearow - dark
Arbok - dark
Raichu - fairy
Sandslash - rock
Nidoqueen - fighting
Nidoking - fighting
Clefable - psychic
Ninetales - ghost
Wigglytuff - Fighting
Crobat - dark
Vileplume - fairy
Parasect - poison
Venomoth - flying
Dugtrio - rock
Persian - dark
Golduck - psychic
Primeape - Normal
Arcanine - dragon
Poliwrath - ground
Alakazam - fairy
Machamp - steel
Victreebel - ground
Tentacruel - dark
Golem - fighting
Rapidash - electric
Slowbro - ice
Magneton - flying
Dewgong - fairy
Muk - ground
Cloyster - steel
Gengar - psychic
Steelix - rock
Hypno - fighting
Kingler - bug
Electrode - steel
Exeggutor - dragon
Marowak - ghost
Hitmonlee - normal
Hitmonchan - normal
Lickitung - dragon
Weezing - dark
Rhyperior - steel
Blissey - fairy
Tangela - poison
Kangaskhan - ground
Kingdra - ice
Seaking - dragon
Starmie - steel
Mr. mime - normal
Scizor - flying
Jynx - fairy
Electivire - Fighting
Magmortar - fighting
Tauros - ground
Gyarados - dragon
Lapras - fairy
Ditto - psychic
Vaporeon - normal
Jolteon - Normal
Flareon - normal
Porygon - psychic
Omanyte - bug
Kabutops - bug
Aerodactyl - dragon
Snorlax - fairy
Articuno - none
Zapdos - none
Moltres - none
Dragonite - water
Mewtwo - none
Mew - none