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Thought about Sinnoh Remakes

No.29702437 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So if the Gen IV remakes are happening this gen, here's some food for thought:

>Will they update the box legendaries like ORAS and give Dialga and Palkia Primal forms to bring them into the new timeline and give them "new" appeal?
>Will Arceus be a part of the main story this time? (and will Type: Null/Silvally and Aether be a part of it?)
>Do Giratina and the Distortion World have any relation to the Ultra Beasts and where they come from? Does Giratina hunt Ultra Beasts in this new timeline? Will Ultra Beasts be introduced into this game through the Distortion World? And if Giratina would be part of the remake plot alongside Ultra Beasts and Distortion World, would Cyrus's ultimately plan be retconned to include controlling Ultra Beasts via the Distortion World/Palkia and Dialga?
>On that note, will Palkia and Dialga have some ability to bend spacetime to the point where the player can enter different dimensions?
>Will we get new Megas even if Megas aren't Gen VII's "thing"? Especially for the starters?
>Will we get "Sinnoh Forms" for Pokemon that didn't exist in Gen IV originally, such as Pokemon from Unova, Kalos, and Alola?
>Will the Battle Resort be expanded upon?
>Will the Lake Trio actually be meaningfully relevant to the plot? How about Manaphy and Phione? Or Heatran? Or Cresselia and Darkrai?
>Will we see HMs return or are they keeping riding Pokemon for good?
>Do seals come back?