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My one real complaint.

No.29894718 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Good news, the shiny charm is back.
Bad news, its unlocked by comepleting the Alola dex.

"But anon, why is that bad?"

Sit down and let daddy holler at you...

Niggas like me been spending the last two years part time filling in the national dex just to get shiny Pokeniggers.

Fuck you, all the time ive spent painstakingly transferring assholes up all the way from leaf green. FOR. FUCKS. SAKE.

guys i'm mad.

I think im even furious.

The new Brokemon, summon-chaining, good story, great visuals, cool characters, new breeding mechanics, Customization... ALL OF IT.

So tell me fellow faggots and shitposters, anything about these games just boil your fucking blood? Additionally, am i just being a butt hurt faggot myself?