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No.30039962 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>T-there are too many cutscenes, Pokemon is dead!
Wrong those aren't cutscenes those are events, huge difference. Just because the camera is more dynamic means jackshit, it's still within the regular game engine and can be skipped over within barely a minute if you just spam the A button with fast text on. Cutscenes are when the characters all look much smoother and the game scrolls through text regardless if you press the A button or not. From what I've played there has only been 3 cutscenes in all and they all meshed well with the gameplay and only lasted for maybe 5 minutes at most. Events are seen in every fucking gen until now, and you autists don't call those cutscenes because (outside of XY) none of those games actually had a decent camera shot and just stuck with the same old angle that pokemon has always been doing.