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No.31308311 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gen 1 Starters
All pretty equal in power nowadays, with blastoise only falling a bit behind
>Gentoo Starters
Meganium is the worst starter of all, but typhlosion and gatr dont really fall behind
>Gen 3 Starters
Speed Boost blaziken is stupid
but all starters seem to be on sonewhat equal ground
All pretty equal but torterra falling behind due to typing and infernape rising due to its utility
Speed boost blaziken 2.0
>GEN 6
>lets make two starters painfully average and the other is given the gift of the gods
>Gen 7
starters are equal, they did good but the aforementioned starter gets a special snowflake anime form
Even tho gf gave charizard two megas due to popularity, its still on par with the others
You cant say the same about special snowflake froggo