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ITT "Moonlight/ Full-/New Moon" exists as a Weather effect like "Harsh Sunlight"

No.32878399 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
During a this weather effect:

>Grass type attacks attacks are weakened by half similar to how water types are weakened by harsh sunlight
>Dark and Water type attacks get a boost because "M-Muh Edg- Darkness!" and Because tide effects.
>Solar beam now takes up 3-4 turns instead of 2
>Growth either randomly raises one attack or takes 2 turns to raise both
>Chlorophyl halves the pokemon's speed instead of doubling it because (New Moon) doesn't reflect any of the sun's light
>Solar powered lowers SpA by 33%
>Castform gets a New Moon-based form and a Dark-type weather ball
>Moonlight regens 2/3rd HP instead of 1/2, but in harsh sunlight and any other weather makes it restore only 1/4 HP.
>Synthesis and Morning Sun restore only 1/4th HP during this weather like any other, but still restores 2/3rd HP on Harsh sunlight
>Thunder and Hurricane aren't weakened nor buffed.
>Moonblast get's either an accuracy boost or a 1/3 power increase
>Dry Skin, Leaf Guard, Flower Gift, etc are unchanged.

How does the meta change?