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No.34295052 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Watching a double nuzlocke of both Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon with some guy and his friend both playing a game each side by side
>They're getting bodied hard
>One of them wipes completely to totem Araquanid, since he was expecting Wishiwashi
>His friend who was kekking at him loses his overleveled out the ass starter as well as another (or maybe 2, can't remember) pokemon to a fucking dewpider that precedes the totem
>Starts sperging out and saying the game is bullshit
>Fast forward a few more embarrassing outbursts
>Same guy loses a few pokemon to totem Marowak
>He's STILL crying his eyes out about how totem pokemon are bullshit
>Gets into a random encounter with a salazzle
>Loses 2 more pokemon (kek)
>STILL crying about the game
The real comedy here though is that they were discussing how the games need to be harder or have a hard mode early on in the LP.

So it's pretty much confirmed then. This is the type of autists that cry about the new games. Shitters who are getting triggered because they can't handle some mild difficulty.
Jesus christ, I'm crying too, crying with laughter watching these chucklefucks talk shit then get wrecked over and over again. Their entire team is like 5+ levels over the totems and 8+ levels over the regular mons in the area too.