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Harvest 'Mon 02

No.39447186 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm still making a Stardew/Harvest Moon-like with Pokémon. What do you want to see in it?

It's still not going to be completed, obviously.

Progress is slow and steady. Largely just coding in systems so far. These systems will increase the production of content tenfold later on, but there's little content to show as of yet, besides the pretty neat dungeon-crawling seen in the last thread. Created a "gossip engine" to pick up random daily dialog, like in the HM games. Expanded the dungeon crawling engine so it can now have exits and special event tiles. Created Trainer classes with accompanying Pokemon classes... sorry, none of that stuff is interesting, is it? I'll tell you when I have something to show.

Here's the big question of the day: I'm planning on letting the player pick one of a multitude of starters. Not sure how large the pool (12-15?) will be, but I'll see what people want. Battling is a factor in this game, but it's not the only factor, so starters should not be incredibly weak, but it would be excellent if they could conceivably find/produce some resource, or assist in production. It goes without saying that most of them should be base forms.

Here are some examples:

Mareep: Three-stage line, could produce wool and batteries.
Slowpoke: Three-stage line, could fish and provide tails. But it couldn't fish/evolve when its tail is regrowing. Interesting dynamic there.
Vanillite: Three-stage line, could produce shaved ice. And just regular ice. And snow.
Sableye, single-stager, can find gems.
Bouffalant, single-stager, can plow fields.
Miltank, single-stager, can produce milk.

Don't worry about game mechanics yet, just tell me what you think sounds comfy.

If you've got nothing to say, just post comfy Pokemon pictures.

Oh, yeah, I'm going to get a trip as well. Anyone who can come up with something more creative than "farmfag" can decide what my trip will be.

Previous thread: >>39381576