[33 / 6 / ?]
165KiB, 640x675, tumblr_660f1dca2dc7491abd3d2333bf7f87be_fd064b0f_640.png
It's pretty clear cinderace is this gen's shillmon, but let's try to make the other two starters just as competent.
I'll start
>HP: 70
>Atk: 80
>Def: 50
>SpA: 145
>SpD: 50
>Spe: 135
BST: 530 (Same as original)
>Sig move: Tactical Shot
>60 BP, Always crits (Water type frost breath)
>HA is the same, works well with tactical shot
I'll start
>HP: 70
>Atk: 80
>Def: 50
>SpA: 145
>SpD: 50
>Spe: 135
BST: 530 (Same as original)
>Sig move: Tactical Shot
>60 BP, Always crits (Water type frost breath)
>HA is the same, works well with tactical shot