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How to improve raids.

No.42924591 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Raids are a failed concept as a long term way to get people to play online. They're boring and tedious only made tolerable by exploits to keep rerolling the same den. How do you make them more engaging?

>Pokemon should have ways to change their weakness during raids. Elemental shield types so a fire shield would stop a grass type being weak to fire while it was up.

>Multi hit moves should break additional shields but have their max hits limited to three and their accuracy lowered as a risk/reward play

>Two maxed Pokemon. Can only catch the second one to die.

>Your own max isn't free it should be earned by breaking shields. Every shield you break pushes you further towards a max so the climax to the battle is Kaiju not the first three turns. If game freak could manage frame rate could have multiple maxes on the player team.

>Double battle raid battles where two players can use two Pokemon each. Triple battle raid Pokemon where one player can fight a raid solo but is a Pokemon down. Double and single Pokemon single player battles net higher rewards and act as challenges post game for ribbons, rare items and access to mystery gifts.

>Max Pokemon using delayed moves like fly and dig to give you a turn to set up. Make them do insane damage and hit everyone so protect has value.

>Any way to communicate at all. Even just showing the move you picked.

>Not all raids should stop buffing. Some should steal them from you while others ignore them and let you buff and May require defensive buffs to survive.

>Raidmon changes movesets the more shields get broken. Gets stronger as the battle goes on or weaker depending on the difficulty and raid.

>Limit Pokemon levels in some raids to 25/50/75 for additional challenge/reward. Limit types you can take. Limit evolution tiers (eviolite raids would be interesting).

>Competitive raids. Last hit or most damage gets to capture it.