>>43976108I don't
I have massive respect for him, it's clear that Ruby and sapphire were some of the most passion filled games ever made, many things were introduced to improve the experience without any consideration for moderation regarding scope management, they created and entire new system with ever single fucking move with brand new stats that can be allocated with things that you can make from berries in their own minigame ALL for an optional side acitivity. Like, jesus man, I don't even like contests but it's insane to me that they put so much work into a throw away feature. Never again will we get that type of passion
It's clear that this passion carried forward as least somewhat into gen 4, and then an all new passion was brought out of him in gen 5, taking a whole new direction and going 110% with it. This guy had true visions for his games and executed them really well.
XY seemed to have some of that passion as well but something about the games give me the impression that he gave up halfway or something. The games have strong themes and a clear direction, a masuda staple for pokemon games, but the exeution was bad and after that the dude just tapped out, he literally isn't cut out for the new hardware and advancement of technologies, and in my opinion he jumped ship at the right time.
His biggest mistake is still doing PR, it leads a lot of people to blaming him for shit he has nothing to do with, and who can really blame them, he IS the guy saying it with a smile on his face
Overall, witnessing the rise and fall of masuda has bee quite something, but I'll always have massive respect for his past work in both directing and composing