whiling Sceptile got nothing but physical moves.....again, look what happened this gen:
-Blaziken got Close Combat and U-Turn, whiling Swampert got Liquidation, Bulk Up and Body Press
-Alakazam, Gengar, Rotom and Hydreigon all have Nasty Plot now
-Venusaur, Abomasnow and the physical Rillaboom have Earth Power now. Politoed as well as it's physical counterpart Poliwrath both got Earth Power too. Hell even the pre-evos of Nidoqueen and Nidoking both have Earth Power now and i'm not joking as i literally fought one with Earth Power not too long ago (at the time of this OP)
-There's also Inteleon with Air Slash, despite that it has no wings
-and to top it all off, Hidden Power is gone and that which f***ed up many special attackers whose movepools are below-average (like Roserade, Salazzle, Jolteon and especially Lilligant), and Sceptile is no exception is it lost HP Fire specifically
-Not to mention, it lost it's Mega and now sucks ass again, among others (Aggron, Lopunny, Mawile, Pinsir, Kangaskhan, Gallade and by extension Gardevoir say hi)