>>53330720Walking Wake is definitely going to see some use because of its signature move making it the only water type that benefits from sun (making it useful in sun teams as an extra coverage option and in rain teams as a sun counter), but what's the consensus on Iron Leaves? I don't feel very optimistic about it. Sure, it has decently high stats, but grass/psychic is a bad type combination (it has 7 weaknesses, including a double-weakness to bug so it takes quadruple damage from U-turn) and it doesn't really do anything special other than having a signature move that's 120 BP in electric terrain but only 80 otherwise (Wake's siganture move has 120 BP in both sun and rain, and also has the option of using water moves with higher BP if you aren't going to use it in sun where as Iron Leaves doesn't have any other option for psychic STAB). Unlike Walking Wake it doesn't have the niche of turning what would normally be a bad weather condition for its type into an advantage, so most of the time you'd probably be better off using something with a better type and a move that deals less damage in electric terrain but more in every other situation. It does actually have a good amount of fighting moves, including one that ignores the opponent's staboosts, but no STAB unless you use your terastalization on it.