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How did they get away with this?

No.54720613 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gen 4 chad here, slogging through this trash game since Thursday

>most pokemon don't even learn a good STAB move from level up, or learn it very late
>TMs are single use, and all of the TMS you can re-buy except Ice Beam are trash
>half of the dex is shitmons. I didn't even realize trash like Fearow and Dewgong started in Kanto
>enemy trainers don't even carry STAB moves
>glitchy as fuck
>slow as fuck
>boring region, boring visuals
>Safari Zone mechanics don't work
>Great Balls are better than Ultra Balls
>legendaries are all lame
>have to glitch for Mew
>no post-game
>only Ghost type move is like 20 BP
>no Dragon moves
>retard tier Crit mechanics
>Special stat

Holy fuck how did this garbage get so popular, was it just the anime? Is there a worse more non-functional RPG on the gameboy than this? Does Yellow even improve anything or is it just cash-in?