>>11117474>retard, global started on /jp/ the majority of people there came from /jp/This is why I said reading comprehension, you dumb fuck, because you did not get the point of that post at all. What I meant to imply was that global started on /jp/ but the majority of people there came from other boards. There was very minimal /jp/ population there. most of them stayed in /hlg/ aka the thread it split off of. Teamates are characterized as ryan gosling which is a /tv/ meme, DMCposters existed since day 1 and those are very clearly /v/ermin, need I mention wrestling shit and coinposting? There is absolutely no pure /jp/ there. Hell retards start yelling "YWNBJ" whenever someone even remotely throws in the idea of learinng Japanese. Hololive global has no culture, everything it has is borrowed from the boards they allegedly "hate"
This is why I said reading comprehension, you shit for brains. Most of /hlgg/ population is crossboarders who take their shit to the rest of this website, leave a fat fucking stain there and act like they're not responsible whenever people call them out for acting like ponyfags. Just admit it, nu-bronies is a rightfully deserved title for your kind. There are holos I watch too, holy fuck I'm 14 months into membersheep but I absolutely hate associating myself with this shit fanbase.