Quoted By:
Man, now that I have taken up writing, I have a new found appreciation for well written scenes. There's this piece of dialogue in Fate that really inspired me to keep doing my reps because of how impactful it was in the story. It's unfortunate that I can't manage my time for shit, writing, drawing, programming, studying, shit is tough. But one day...
"All that begins must end. So too, all that lives, dies, and in dying, value finds. Thy vaunted eternity is but hallow slumber. Beast of Disaster, evil born of mankind's folly, thy desperate wish that thy love not go unrequited is itself thy rejection's root.
Of rank, nor station, nor the title of Grand have I need. Bear witness, goddess of life, to the testament writ with mine own blade.
Thou fallen god, to beasthood turned, if "Primordial Mother" be thy title, hearken, and hear my name.
From the mountain abyss, I come, and only death do I bring. I am the Old Man of the Mountain, the First Hassan-i Sabbah.
The bell of evening tolls thy name. Touch not the sky, for by heaven's will I shall strip thee of thy wings!"
Do you have a thing that inspires you to write more/better? Perhaps something you look up to?