>>56558236>>56558304Just Another Lovesick Afternoon
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS8RwDm9hbl4QCzy08W9ZffS16RD9UODYgIs2wxQaAF3NelAgTw8_qChKuWywk3oldO4T2gEZhQ39SM/pubTags: SFW, Ina, Fluff
I was listening to music while writing my previous work and one song in particular came up and this is how I got this idea for my contest prompt.
Here's the song in question, excerpts of which also appear in the fic:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAmdSjN4gus(reposted it because I forgot an image)