Stop Scrolling!
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https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SFYyC7bi0zIP55eioXEq7EibFaf1Y4cttucnlP0WA9s/^The above is For those who unwittingly limit themselves to "organized" networking servers on 4chan and their communities. Everything is self-explanatory. This link is shared publicly wherever it's users please.
Copy Paste and share this in a future /asp/ thread for Results and Luck in your vtuber journey!
Or a certain someone(s) will curse you with 10 years of intoxicated menhera newfag if-i-cant-u-cant crabthread timeloops, FOREVER!
g-ganbare, anon!
0 view hell is a necessary experience. Because at that point, you are your own viewer. Get used.