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The Sword of Damocles

No.54131906 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
One day, a court flatterer by the name of Damocles appeared before the HoloEN fan and remarked how good his life must be.

"Look at these blessings. EN 3 has been announced. Haachama is alive and returning. om3tcw can once again be posted. Surely Holochads are eating good."

In response, the HoloEN fan offered to switch places with Damocles so that Damocles could taste that very fortune firsthand. Damocles quickly and eagerly agreed. Damocles sat on the king's throne, surrounded by countless luxuries. There were beautifully embroidered rugs, fragrant perfumes and the most select of foods, piles of silver and gold, and the service of attendants unparalleled in their beauty, surrounding Damocles with riches and excess. But then Damocles happened to look up and saw a sword suspended only by a single hair.

The HoloEN fan explained to him, "Wiith all these riches, there is always the threat that your oshi will drop the mask and spite her fans or collab with Homos."

Damocles finally begged the king that he be allowed to depart because he no longer wanted to be so fortunate, realizing that while he had everything he could ever want at his feet, it ultimately could not affect what was above his head.