Here's mine. I did this last night.
>>6340551Personally I've never been a huge fan of blank homepages with drawers. Plus the paper weirds me out.
>>6340543Vaporwave and text at the bottom. I don't see anything else so it kinda runs into the same problem as the guy above. I assume you use either a drawer or gestures to open shit up?
>>6340466This is pretty basic. It kinda seems like you only changed the wallpaper and used some different icons. Its not terrible though.
>>6340390This looks pretty good! I like that you've taken the Windows phone look and made it your own
>>6340365It's quirky, but I'm not the biggest fan of it. The clock is funny, but doesn't really go that well. I feel like the two columns of icons should be moved closer to the center by kne column. They're a little close to the edge.
>>6340346I like the minimal look!
>>6340127I don't like it. If you're open to suggestions I have a couple. Get rid of the dock first. It's distracting and clashes with the icons. Next find another icon pack, this one doesn't look that great. Get rid of the music widget while you're at it or find another one that looks better. Finally you gotta change some stuff about that clock widget. There's a ton of stuff in there so I'd suggest slimming it down to what you really need (without the upcoming months poking out the top first and foremost) and definitely changing the font too.
Here are some popular icon packs used around here: glyphs, lines, Scopics, glyphicons and tiny white icons. Fool around with those and see what you like.
>>6340112Why don't you try something and we'll tell you how you did?