Haven't posted in a while, but I got a new moto x play and copied my old setup. Figured I'd give some feedback.
>>6335138 Pretty cool man, dunno about the clock widget though, I'd make the hands thinner>>6335251 Nice taste in music >>6335285 I like everything but the music widget, I think it's too big >>6335296 That's cool but I think the hexagons should stand out more, maybe give them thin borders?>>6335327 Looks nice but I find the idea of logos that aren't app icons on a homescreen weird...>>6335492 That yellow would be blinding in the dark>>6335543 Would be 10/10 with min for the icons >>6335545 Cool animations but the app drawer should not be transparent >>6335709 Get rid of the shadow under the clock >>6335851 Really like this >>6335853 Hi>>6335854 Very nice looking but I don't like live wallpapers>>6336349 I see a lot of these but they look nice>>6336426 Space your icons out more>>6336497 Ayylmao/10