So... Here's mine. Dock removable, Pokemon trainer is actually Clover icon.
>>6418087Kinda like this one better than the B/W one, 8/10
>>6418160Love the style, but maybe a little "too" colorful for me, 7/10
>>6418367I have no idea how you did that, but I love it, 9/10
>>6418511Liked everything except maybe the transition animation, 8/10
>>6418712Now THAT is what I like, simple, yet effective. Maybe better with some Poweramp widget in the same font as the pape, but that's my oppinion. 9,5/10
>>6418955And that, folks, is my 10/10. I'm curious, what music widget did you use? Doesn't that animated thing suck all you battery? Also, how did you get that lockscreen?