>>133115>>133113>>133041>>133001Lets pretend I'm a total retard that knows nothing about webms really and I don't know what any of this means and I one day go lucky and found a formula someone posted on day when webms became a thing two years ago.
I just want a formula that I put the file location in
plug in the time it starts to time it ends
put duration in
and output name
Then take that formula, copy, open command prompt, then paste and hit enter
As for size I like where its at, pic related
I don't know what you guys mean by "set my own bitrate"
>-threads is pretty much mandatory, since by default libvpx only uses 1 CPU core. -qmax 55 is a quality floor to prevent the first few seconds of the webm looking awful (note: lower = better quality, but also bigger file size overriding b:v). -filter_complex instead of -vf because i often add other video filters and audio filters. -c:a vorbis audio codec, -ac number of channels (1 = mono takes up less space), -qscale:a are the default quality settings of libvorbis (3 is default, lower is smaller - since the codec is really good 1 or 0 are usually enough, translations:>-ac 1 -qscale:a 0 --> 48 kbps>-ac 1 -qscale:a 2 --> 70 kbps>-ac 2 -qscale:a 0 --> 64 kbps>ac 2 -qscale:a 1 --> 80 kbps)>-ar is resampling (default 44100 Hz = 44.1 kHz>- i usually remove it, but for extremely long videos lowering it to 22.05 kHz makes it sound worse but cuts audio bitrate in half), -y is auto-confirm so ffmpeg doesn't ask every time about pre-existing files when i just want to fine-tune an encode>-r for fps control when i want to encoder longer stuff and -ss/-to to cut sequences i just manually add when the need arises.I don't understand any of the above
Yes, I would like to burn in subs.
Where in the formula do I add that? Do I have to pull subs from somewhere? How?