>>67813335Hello, your resident /skynetfc/ complainer here. I have collected the following reps over the course of 3 threads.
Hello, your resident /skynetfc/ complainer here, I assume we want to be part of /skynetfc/ but from previous posts I have gathered the following tentative reps to replace some of our current reps on /skynetfc/
>Mecha-Lulu>controlnet man (CunnyControlnet)>hll-anon>inaanon>futa version?>TWLanonNow before the manager for /skynetFC/ starts the voting process for our reps, I would like to at least have us have a full visual representation of each prospective NEW rep that we might add . We've already had someone do one for inaanon, which I have attached to this post. And Mecha-Lulu has an already defined design, so no need to really focus on her either. Please gen something that you think visually represents one of the reps above, or if you are the person that the rep is supposed to represent, gen something that you think represents you! (TWLanon, hllanon)