>>21932463It's prostitution even if they date a guy their age with no car. He will buy her meals and pay for dates anyway, prostitution is involved in 99% and it's not always just about money. It can be status or anything she will find useful.
That's why I laugh at guys who think that they're gigachads because that date women 20 years younger than them and offer the fact that they're "established" lol. You're just being used just like all men you fools.
If tomorrow older guys were all broke and younger guys were the ones with money then women, even older ones would date only younger dudes. They don't care about your age, your value or YOU. They only care about what you can provide to them thus you don't gave much of a chance to get loved back anyway.
It's all a scam and you're not likely to win as a man based on simple mathematics. You coping with this just like majority of men do in their pathetic slave marriages won't change a thing. Tradcons are just cucks and simps who shill for marriage because they are pushing crypto feminism.