>>20507105I do agree.
But the ball was rolling along nicely on several fronts.
People here seem to forget that this isn't a ONE CAUSE resultant. It's a complex series of issues ranging from contaminated soil(also depleted,), air and water, to social programming by both (((Media))) and (((Entertainment)))
Americans at least, are similar to asking a fish how it feels to be wet; We are so steeped in it from day one, and it's reinforced by every other mindless parrot, and "Authority figure" that to even suggest that the whole thing is as fucked as it is will cause most to become uncomfortable enough with the thought to take it as an affront to their OWN identity and get VERRY ANGRY about it.
I think that the recent 4 years showed us that without a doubt.
>I wonder how you can reload these with stimpack ingredientsKek! It'll probably be something like adrenaline, methamphetamine, 10000 units of vitamin C, and some painkiller for good measure.
I'll bet the glowniggers already have a whole line of Stimpacks™ for field use.