>>10659502 >As (POsT-)HUmanItY eMerges frOM the nEuroCHemical daRK aGes, ENrIChed DoPaMiNERgIc fUncTiOn in PaRticUlAr mAY SHarPen tHe ShEER INTeNsitY AnD MeaningFULNEsS of everY MOmeNT OF COnSCiOUS ExISTEnce. for a GeNERAtION Whose LIfEtImES sPAN both Modes of AWAreNess, It Will Be AS IF TheY hAD jUst WokeN up. They wILl FeEL ThEY haD HItHerTo bEeN sLEEP-WAlKinG tHrOUGH lIfe iN A tWIliT StUpOr. THereAfTeR theiR FOrMEr mUNDanE aNd MinImal EXIstENCE May be ReCalleD OnlY As soME KiNd of ZoMBiFIed TRANCE-STATE whOse NAtUre THeY WERE PhySiOlOgICALly incAPAble OF ReCogNiSINg.