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[The Subversive Truth About Aliens]
Has your country been blighted by American popular culture and alleged American exceptionalism? Find out by consulting this map, the definitive guide for who has swallowed Hollywood contact propaganda Lights, Camera, and Action.
Many think themselves smart enough to discern entertainment fiction from fact, yet this map clearly demonstrates that Americanised people interpret reality through the lens of the culture industry they consume. Have you watched a Hollywood film and been taught about aliens? Now you see them everywhere, where none previously existed. In a more religious time-gone-by, the same inexplicable phenomena through your eyes would be attributed to Angels and Demons.
There is no reason to assume so-called “Aliens” would by and large only visit Americans. It does however make sense that the average American walks around with the idea in their head Aliens exist, and that they are, despite being an insignificant biomass of negligible intelligence, through delusions of grandeur, truly special enough to be personally visited by ascended beings, who come to stare in amazement at the mongrelised, cultureless-consumerist, Shart-Mart nation from afar.