Quoted By:
>be me
>really young
>mom left the room to do whatever the fuck
>grab shampoo bottle
>grab smol pp
>pop open shampoo bottle
>grab pp and open le pp hole
>jam tip of opened shampoo bottle in pp
>tip was one of those small cylinder tips that connect to the cap
>it slid into place perfectly and i was ready for liftoff
>squeeze bottle as hard as i fucking could
>screaming as loud as a banshee
>mom rushes in, obviously unaware of the current situation
>i scream that the "spicy sauce has entered my pee pee hole"
>mom fucking laughs
>i stand up and shampoo noticeably drains from my pp
>mom instantly notices
>mom freaks the fuck out
>screams and tells me we need to get out of the bathtub
>still crying and screaming like a banshee
>i stumble out of the tub while my pp drains spicy sauce
>mom rushed me out of the bathroom
>from what i could remember, when i got home i saw a perfect trail of shampoo, all the way to the car
>dont remember much after that
>remember pissing straight bubbles for a week
did i do good r/banters?