>>20999419>thugmaxxed tatted up ripped street guy with average looks who got a woman of a much higher social statusThat's exactly the blackpill though, you just tacked on that "average looks" descriptor even though it doesn't logically follow being ripped and able to intimidate. If someone is high testosterone enough to be intimidating, their hormones likely affected their physical aesthetics.
>>20999446Cope by a dumbass mixing up types of pair bonding. Looks are the only thing relevant for SEXUAL attraction. That doesn't mean you can't pair bond with a pseudo dyke looking for an idiot pay pig.
>>20999492>muh confidenceJust plain idiocy. "Confidence" comes from elevated testosterone levels that are initially set by genetics but in this environment are depressed by plastics and other pollution. The best way to gain confidence is to lower one's estrogen burden which can be achieved somewhat by getting fit but mostly through chemical enhancement, which is why all of media is full of steroid user males.