Still page 1, wow!
>>11400704Remember those long ramblings of yours about lolis? Are you saying that you only typed (most of) that out to contradict me? I suppose a loli is the opposite of a venus so the balance was kept.
>not conspicuous at all if I say so myselfWe all have our fantasies, don't we...
>worst is his daughter too studied pharmacy and once broke and cried when the professors told about his massive fuckup and how much of a dunce he is for letting that happenThat's awful. I get that the guy messed up but why talk about that case specifically when his daughter is present?
So if you were to get a masters degree you'd be able to work at one of those offices, right?
>or for a university testing new synthethic (and semi synthethic drugs)My university does that too. They are also involved in the creation of vaccines, though I don't know where they do all that. It has a lot of buildings so there must be some chemistry labs too somewhere. Do hospitals have labs? There's a gigantic one next to campus built in part by the university, so maybe they conduct some research there.
>not necessarily,vwe did flatten the curve of deaths per operation, so we may have reached platoeI guess we can also develop drugs which are more efficient. Kind of like how herbal medicine progressed to what we have today.
>but ye, no, they said it sounded too much like naruto and if I'm to trust /a/ that show is widely hated for asspulls or whateverNaruto has some cool characters if you happen to be twelve and edgy, but other than that it's quite bad all things considered. But it sold well, so I guess that's why it was held in such a high regard.
I don't think such a thing would be considered as a rip-off though, as I doubt the mangaka of Naruto was the first guy to have come up with such an idea.