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Believe it or not, I've actually tasted alcohol only thrice in my life, and all of these were one-time cases, and I rememver them all — just one glass of cognak on friend's birthday in 2007, a little bottle of mead in 2010, and 100 ml of cognac on Christmas in 2012. That was all the alcohol in my life.
And will ever be, as when I was SIX years old, I've taken an oath of vow to myself not to taint my body with even a single drop of alcohol, not to smoke even a single cigarette, and, of course, not to take any drugs either, that one's naturally out of the question.
So yes, after 2012 case I renewed my vow. Not even champagne FOR CHILDREN — only healthy, delicious juice on a New Year.
It doesn't matter what's in your glass when you say the toast.
What matters is what's in your heart and soul when you say it.