>>21505234>>21509920>[Sheila takes another long drink.]“Fuck you, Lols. Oi came ta see youse in da horspidal and youse fucken blew me off. Torking loik we ain’t see ya wiffout ya mask or whatevah. Oi know me mates, an’ Oi fought we was mates. Oi was fucken knocked out cold roight ovah dere, undah dat fucken table, and when Oi woke up in the hospy meself Oi was fucken scared. Oi was fucken alone. And when Oi saw youse, Oi fought maybe Oi had a mate Oi could be safe wiff, and youse fucken blew me off. And soona ftah Oi got outta dere, Oi ran inta Kelsie. And she din’t troy ta tell me Oi din’t know who she was. She din’t tork ta me loik Oi was a fucken idiot. And den she did somefink none-a youse Deffproof cunts did: she arksed faw me help.”
“So how’s about youse grow da fuck up. Dis place ain’t about takin’ soids. Dis place ain’t about making friends aw being noice. Da soonah youse figgah dat out, da bettah youse’ll be.”
“So is dat it, mate? Can’t ya see Oi’m busy?”