>>9020900>>9020902These are quality posts.
The bar is an important community space, especially for whites, and should be treated with respect. Don't drink alone, go to your neighborhood bar and drink with your friends and neighbors. This is how adults make friends, and the common shunning of bars for no real reason is a major reason so many adults in the modern world have few or no friends.
The only time you should drink to the point of drunkenness at home is if you enjoy doing this with your spouse or if it helps with creative work. Even then, recall the countless great artists who have spiraled into despair or mediocrity relying on the bottle in this way, to say nothing of the marriages it has ended.
Especially at the bar, avoid drinking to the point of drunkenness except when a spirit of revelry has blossomed naturally, and even then be careful and know your limits.
In OP's defense, most of us learn our limits the hard way.