Death, Near Death Experiences, Head Trauma
Anonymous ID:BIlebyNo No.590424 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I'm 25 years old, and I've almost died 3 times.
Been in 3 car crashes (as a passenger) and in one of them I was almost impaled in the head.
I was shot at 3 or more times (I was running away, and only saw the impact of 3 bullets on the building/street ahead of me) during an attempted mugging; I felt the air rushing past the side of my head for one of the bullets.
I was getting my blood drawn for testing when the nurse stepped away. I raised my head, passed out, and the mucus in my nose went to my throat. I was shaking when the nurse came back, and had to precordial thump me back to consciousness so I could spit up my mucus and breathe again. I was overcome with euphoria (due to oxygen deprivation) while I was suffocating to death...I was having the happiest mini-dream I'd ever had.
Why does this shit keep happening? It makes everything I do feel pointless. I could spend years of my life working on something all to have it taken away by some disease, natural disaster, car crash, some dumb motherfucker looking to steal $20 from me, etc.
I also remember a kid from my highschool. Got into a nasty car crash (as a passenger) when he was 15. The guy who caused it was late for a golf meet and ran a red light. The kid used to be really smart, but the car T-boned his car right where he was sitting in the backseat. His head opened up and apparently some of his brain matter came out.
He managed to survive somehow...but now he does shit like strip his clothes and run around naked outside of his house (his motor skills are fine, but nothing else is). Everything he was is gone, and all that remains is something less intelligent than a dog.
So there's a nice thought...we're all just a little brain matter away from losing whatever we manage to achieve and just becoming a massive burden/laughing stock.
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I was going to post this to /x/ but it doesn't really fit there...I don't believe in anything supernatural.