Why would they want to silence this discussion? How does 1 thread on /pol/ disturb them that much? There is bullshit threads all over the place all the time but they purge this discussion??? Check out the last thread linked below. It was a civilized discussion. No need to purge it other than obvious censorship. This subject matter has these fuckers triggered like nothing else.
>They do not want you to know.>>245238664>>245286553 (silent purged)>>>/bant/9640251 (purged)>>245555823 (best one yet!)>>>/bant/9655245 (purged again)>5G causes COVID-19 and they do now want you to know or investigate.>COVID-19 is the inability of your blood to transport oxygen. This is caused by the 60Ghz Millimeter-Waves emitted through the 5G cellular network infrastructure because these waves at that specific frequency get absorbed by oxygen molecules. This specifically prohibits your hemoglobin from binding with oxygen molecules.This leads to insufficient oxygen supply of the body which ultimately leads to multiple organ failure. Combine this with the lethal medical treatment (referenced in post at the top) Coronavirus patients receive at the hospitals you create disease and fatalities.More info in referenced threads.
Fuck all enemies of free speech.