>>19029917>"Colby!? I, um..... you knew?"Carmody is taken aback as her older sister, Colby glides towards her from across the room. Like she's stalking her.
"It's funny, Carmody," Colby says in an arch, condescending tone that Carmody's heard a few times throughout the years, "most people have to pay for an apartment if they want to have one, and I'm no exception. I pay my bills on time. And I noticed my utilities were a little higher for the past couple of months. Which was odd, because I hadn't been here at all. So the other day, I went to make sure I hadn't left some lights on last time I was here, and realized I'd lost my key. Not a problem, I got a new one from the landlord and let myself in, and I found out you were here. Of course, since I'd just gotten a text that you were quitting wrestling and going home at the time, I decided I'd let bygones be bygones. No harm done."
Carmody frowns and looks aside.
>"Yeah, well.....""That was before you threw a benevolent gesture back in Priscilla Divine's face and challenged her to a match." Colby stares hard at Carmody.