>>13555539The significance between goat and ram is that yes, you can't goat your cock down any ones throat but there is much much more to it than that.
Remember that Success = Emulation.
The highest form of flattery you can ever bestow on some on is imitation.
I don't know or care who said that, it's true, it is a CONSTANT.
My theories are based on constants, or at least I think they are.
Now we all know that the cults of today are based off of bad emulations of past success,
at best misunderstood, at worst inverted to twist the meaning of the truth to fit a specific narrative of the present
I've been looking for a specific part to a specific rob video about Crete, Minotas and Minota but he explains the concept very eloquently ans succinctly
There is a pattern here.
Aries = Aryan = Ram
God = Race = Animal (astrological house)
Satan = Semite = Goat.
Minotas = Minota = Taurus