so I've been listneing to Luke Gromen and Michael Howell and I think I am becoming a believer in a commodity bullish cycle... which we're already in. But there's no brakes on this White man train.
No way governments will stop printing. Everything will go up in value... how do i start investing into Commodity areas? I currently own about $2000 of GDXJ, $1000 of Kinross, $1000 of ABX, and $1000 of Newmont lol. You can see Idk wtf I am doing.
My investment thesis I am trying to formulate is that with the green energy transition, coupled with (((government))) fiat printing, how can tangible resources lose? Then you throw in this AI rush as well as trade war issues with China.
In short, focus on commodities critical for green tech that are centralized in the global sphere by China. For example, aluminum is critical to solar power and energy transmission. China dominates the aluminum smelting industry as well.
China already prevents Au, and I think certain REEs, from leaving its borders... maybe one day they'll restrict other industrial metals as well thereby causing a surge in price.
Thoughts? to hear from my fellow r*cist frens...