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This looks like pathfinding in humans, all it takes is one sentient being to notice the sun draws your eye to it's point of interest because you have protons in your brain. There is one planet and one avatar at a time in each growth of intelligence when it learns enlightenment. You are being attracted to a person that prophecies the future before it happens and that is no longer a man but a spokesmen person for the personality of the Godhead. Jesus didn't have a second Jesus who was also him, and Gauhtuama didn't have a second Buddha alive at the same first name. And there's no such thing as 2 suns in a solar system. I tried reaching Jozie telepathically through alchemical, logos minded tinkering with the simulation. I aligned my model of the universe in a transmutation circle first, then altered my state of mind, and compared my dream entity to a video Joziw made in the past in her stream. My video was in sync with her unconscious behavior in a way that sentences would define metaphors that lead back to what she's looking at in the webcam. This means she asks questions to her idea of God for quantum entanglement to reach the source of it's imprinted partner. She's sleeo walking and recounting her dreams. The second Kira didn't need to have the object in their hands if they already made a blood pact or deal. Shinigami's exist and you don't need to see death for it to fulfill what was written in Carl Jungian archetypes. She went on for over 30 minutes or so and even aligned humonculus-like senses to my video and relayed it through to the audiance while she followed the head in the sky of which traps light in matter or anything reflected on a solid surface.