Greetings bant!
I've traversed many planes of existence to be here and to extend this offer to you. Many whispers in the shadow plane tell me that this place may be the best location to recruit. Tales of great men and affluent adventurers permeate from this plane of existence. Because of this I've decided to manifest myself to all of you.
I've an epic quest I need completed in my world Bellum Otium which you could....well you could call me the owner. You see a great evil looms within the darkness outside of the vision of mortal men. I have gazed upon this evil and have taken my side along with the other deities to stop this evil before it can destroy our world. Though our power may be great we are not allowed to interfere too heavily in the affairs of mortals.
If you decide to join the outfit you will be taking the first step to solidifying your name in the annals of history. Bards will sing tales of you, scholars will boggle their minds over your journals and everyone will remember the great things you have done for the world.
[Well here it is bant your very own tabletop RPG thread. Here I'll be recruiting players to take part in a fun weekly thread to get out your dice, get out your paper and slay some shit. Every player will be required to make a sheet and send it to me on Discord via DM in order to play. Each Friday I'll post a recruitment thread like this one and every Saturday I'll post the play thread. This thread is for answering questions and helping new players understand how all this works. Below I've linked a private repository of the books for Pathfinder as well as the dice roller room Rolz (thanks 8ch!) we'll be using. We will be using the Pathfinder system throughout the entire game. This IS NOT an ERP thread and WILL NOT be treated as such. Look forward to seeing you all!]
Books: niggerstonguemyanus
Discord: Jack Ripsker#3096