>>12617342huh? if the find the loli folder it's fbi open up after that
>they masturbate a lotI like looking at porn without masturbating
one of the finest arts if you ask me
by the most part I don't even get hard while watching porn because I'm not horny/in the mood to masturbate
I don't think that sexuality can be removed from such mediums though
for instance if you had a drawn shot of a woman's ass even entirely covered in clothes it's inherently sexual in nature and it's highly uncouth to play that in public aside from cinema; the eaons of reproduction and culture make it obvious that female ass=sex
I'm saying that because I'm nit underminibg my perverse art appreciation, for the most part I only really appreciate it alone
>send her hentaibecause I send everyone hentai-not everyone likes it but from what I can gather she does
>penis beggibg for a breaka week of nofap is perfectly enough for gains, but after that a nigga should definitively jack off so he doesn't become a toxic preacher
>yes to alchoholalchohol is the worst drug of them all, I still get tremors that remind me that I could take a sip but I have to stop myself because I know what follows are seizures, getting drunk before bed, violence and working drunk
>no effectyou are lethargic, you need stomilants, 10 mg dextroamphetamine and nothing else- donut chase with coffee, you will feel revitalised, donut rause your dosage above 50 miligrams ever
>too manythose are alltier O cum enhancers, except yoghurt- you're supposed to innoculate all that shit in yoghurt for good absorption, but allas you poor or something so you go for all naturel (shilajit is all naturel though, so is blank ginger)
L arginine is great because it also causes lots of precum to be made so you are essentially self lubricating