>>17404083Nor do I, I'm mostly arguing tongue and cheek because I've seen all of these copes before.
>IQ IQ IQ IQ IQLiterally has nothing to do with genetic compatibility, yet they need this statistic to have an excuse that this isn't racemixing and they're actually still based and racist. Asians do what they're told and not much else, the only thing their IQ seems to produce is compliance.
>Spamming overly done up models.They don't look great on average, wizards at make-up though, even in antiquity. The more crazy cosmetics and plastic surgery got the better the more their gravure and idol industries were pushed. The yellow fever bernd posted a gif of a Jap with fake tits working out, and I guarantee you he doesn't know they are.
>All white women are whores and wokeThis cuckold fantasy needs to be true otherwise they lack a proper excuse to act on their fetish, it will be recited over and over they will screech about twitter and niggers until they're blue in the face. There's no statistical basis on it and also even if it's just demoralization simply no reason to not go to Europe or Eurasia. Ah yeah those Polish women sure are known for fucking niggers, it's truly over.