>>12245124i'd say the exact opposite is true honestly. translation is definitely a skill within itself but at a basic level it's a combination of your japanese understanding and english eloquence. as far as i understand school tends to focus a lot on grammar concepts to try getting you to a point that you can understand anything given a dictionary and enough time to think about it, so then it's just a question of whether you speak english well enough to concisely express the same thought. there are certainly plenty of nuances to it, but if you're just trying to do freelance work with low standards basically anyone who speaks english and halfway understands japanese can do translation for anything that isn't super technical.
CS stuff is like school putting you on a farm where you only have access to raw materials then teaching you how to make cookies. then you graduate and all the jobs are for chefs. there's a little bit of general kitchen comfort that will transfer but there are 20 items on the menu that aren't cookies and basically all you know about making them is that you start by putting ingredients together then heating them up because that's how food works on a fundamental level. you sure can churn butter though.
my point being that they teach a bunch of super extraneous stuff that doesn't help at all in the real world and after graduating you either need a job that is willing to basically teach you everything from scratch anyway or you need to spend more time learning bare basics on your own before you can even do random shitty one time gigs
dunno, i don't remember when we bought it at all
in real lectures i'd just not show up before i'd play games on my laptop, but if nobody can see/hear me i don't feel bad doing whatever
>>12245307or extreme incense burning