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A woman asked me out today. She had a pwetty face and a big smiwe. Cowowfuw puwpwe-siwvew haiw, a thin waist and huge ass. You knyow how womens asses awe sometimes, just massive. She compwimented my shiwt and we stawted tawking. Thewe was a wait anyway, and that gave us something ewse to tawk about. When it was uvw and it was time to go she asked me out.
I waughed.
In hindsight it was so totawwy wude. I just waughed in hew face. Obviouswy I'm nyot going out with hew, I have a boyfwiend and he's bettew in witewawwy evewy way. The fact that she'd even ask me out is widicuwous. I'm a gay man. I'm vewy cweawwy out of hew weague. It's funny that this is something you hets desiwe so much and I just thwow it away. Weawwy shows the powew gap between us and you.